Hybrid work

Caregiver flexibility and time off options

This page summarizes options that may be used by employees needing to respond to caregiver responsibilities. A check mark shows that an option might be available; follow links in the top row and within cells (where applicable) for detailed requirements and to understand the potential impacts.

Subject to approval


Scenario Employee availability Reduce work hours or expectations
Schedule changes
Sick time
Other accrued paid time off Shared
Leave of absence without pay
Child’s school, camp, or place of care is closed or operating remotely due to COVID-19 Employee cannot work at all
Subject to approval

Subject to approval
Employee can work on and off
Subject to approval
Family member’s (not a child) place of care is closed Employee cannot work at all
Subject to approval

Subject to approval
Employee can work on and off
Subject to approval
Unexpected absence or unavailability of child care provider


Child’s school, camp, or place of care closes unexpectedly with no remote option

Employee cannot work at all
Up to 3 days each of paid time off balances plus personal holiday

Subject to approval
Employee can work on and off
Up to 3 days each of paid time off balances plus personal holiday
Unexpected absence or unavailability of family member’s (not a child) caregiver Employee cannot work at all
Up to 3 days each of paid time off balances plus personal holiday

Subject to approval
Employee can work on and off
Up to 3 days each of paid time off balances plus personal holiday