HR Operations

Faculty paid sick, medical or family leave

Last updated: May 21, 2024

This policy applies to all University faculty.

Per the Faculty Sick Leave Policy, faculty may be eligible for up to 90 calendar days of paid sick leave (UW Faculty Code Section 51-1).

Paid Sick Leave Guidelines
  • Must be authorized by a healthcare provider
  • May not exceed 90 calendar days per academic year during the period July 1 to June 30
  • Limited to 90 calendar days per illness, disability, or treatment for which a leave was granted
  • Paid sick leave is taken in full day increments and partial days will be counted as such
  • May be taken continuously or on an intermittent basis

Paid sick leave is usually taken at the same time as Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Leave beyond what is authorized by a healthcare provider is considered leave without pay.


Faculty receiving a salary through the UW and on a 9-month service period: Eligible for paid sick leave September 16- June 15. If scheduled to receive a summer salary, eligibility continues June 16- September 15
Faculty receiving a salary through the UW and on a 12-month service period: Eligible year-round while in active paid status (July 1 through June 30)

Paid sick leave covers
  • Your own illness or disability.
  • Maternity-related disability (temporary disability due to pregnancy, childbirth, or recovery therefrom).
  • Care of a family member with a serious health condition as defined by the Family Care Act

Note: Parental leave and/or time off for bonding are not eligible for pay under the faculty paid sick leave policy. For parental, adoption, and foster care leave details, see the Leave without Pay page.

Paid Sick Leave as a Supplemental Benefit

Faculty paid sick leave may be used as a supplemental benefit in conjunction with the Washington Paid Family Medical Leave program (PFML).

Paid Sick Leave Request Process

You may request paid sick leave by submitting the appropriate FMLA form. Please refer to the form for instructions on completing and submitting documentation.