Labor Relations

UW – UWHA Negotiations Recap for April 21, 2020


This recap details the twenty-ninth session and third virtual session for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement between the UW and UWHA. This was the ninth session to be facilitated by a State-appointed mediator. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

Counter Proposals

Union Activities – The parties continued to exchange proposals in an effort toward a shared understanding of contract language regarding use of state resources.

Moonlighting – The parties continued to exchange proposals related to moonlighting with the Union focused on incorporating the existing policy into the CBA, while the Employer prefers a simplified article and stand along policy.

Committee Memberships and Hospital Committees – The parties continued to exchange proposals in an effort toward a shared understanding of a substitution process for the UWHA’s GMEC designee, should the original designee be unavailable to attend.

Next Steps

The next UW and UWHA bargaining session is scheduled for April 29.