Labor Relations

UW – UWHA Negotiations Recap for May 28, 2020


This recap details the thirty-second session and sixth virtual session for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement between the UW and UWHA. This was the twelfth session to be facilitated by a State-appointed mediator. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

Tentative Agreements

The parties tentatively agreed to the following articles:

  • Article 2 – Committee Memberships and Hospital Committee
    • GMEC and GMEC Policy Subcommittee will include the UWHA president or designee and three peer-selected residents.
    • Substitutions for all committees but GMEC may be designated with 24-hour notice given to committee chairperson.
    • Specifically regarding GMEC, the UWHA may appoint one (1) substitute designee each academic year and if both the UWHA representative and the substitute cannot attend, another UWHA Board Member may be allowed to attend if mutually agreed upon with the GMEC Chair and greater than 24 hours’ notice is given.
    • When in compliance with a program’s leave policy, all UWHA and peer-appointed resident/fellow committee members shall be granted an excused absence(s) from regular clinical or scholarly duties to attend their respective committee meeting.
  • Article 6 – Fringe Benefits
    • Mandatory orientation activities prior to the start of their appointment will be paid at the respective appointment level. The Employer will increase the meal reimbursement beginning July 1, 2020 to $10 per meal.
    • Residents will be provided access at no cost for laundry of physician lab coats.
    • Residents will have the same access to exercise equipment as other employees at training sites operated by the Employer.
  • New Side Letter XX – Communications
    • The Employer will provide a list of all known non-state operated emails and phone numbers for incoming bargaining unit members by May of each year.
  • New Side Letter XX – Scheduling
    • Yearly block schedules must be distributed no later than the start of the academic year.
    • Exclusive of the first block, complete schedules must be provided no later than 30 days in advance of the rotation start date, but ideally 60 days in advance when possible.
    • Last minute changes should be communicated promptly to the resident, program director and affected faculty.

Union Counter Proposals

The Union presented a package proposal in which all provisions would need to be accepted in their entirety.  Package highlights included:

Salary Stipend – The Union proposed an across-the-board wage increase of 2% effective on July 1, 2019, July 1, 2020, and July 2, 2021.

Salary, Housing and Transportation Lump Sum – The Union proposed that each resident, including those who have left the bargaining unit during negotiations, would receive a lump sum upon ratification. The lump sum would include $1100 for salary plus the amount of the final agreed upon housing and transportation stipends combined, less the housing and transportation stipends paid at the beginning of the year. At time of this writing, based on the UWHA’s latest proposal, that amount would be $4200. Therefore the total lump sum paid to each resident upon ratification would be $5300.

Childcare – The Union proposed to maintain the existing childcare fund at $50,000 per year and the UWHA would be responsible for determining eligibility criteria for appropriations to residents.

U-PASS – The Union proposed that the bike program would expire on June 30, 2020 and beginning on July 1, 2020, a fully subsidized U-PASS would be provided to residents.

Away Rotation – The Union maintained its proposal that residents travelling to an away rotation more than 50 miles from their primary work site would be placed on a travel status and receive reimbursement for lodging, mileage, and gasoline.

Housing Stipend – The Union proposed that the housing stipend would be $6,000 per year, paid in the first month of each academic year.

Moonlighting – The Union maintained its interest to incorporate much of the existing policy into the CBA with slight modifications, while the Employer prefers a simplified article and standalone policy.

Professional Development – The Union proposed to maintain professional development funds at the current rate of $350 per year as a reimbursement, but allow rollover of unused funds up to $2,000. The Union proposed that

Next Steps

The next UW and UWHA bargaining session is scheduled for June 9.