Labor Relations

UW Libraries & SEIU 925 Negotiations Recap for December 16, 2021


This recap details the sixth virtual session for the initial collective bargaining agreement between the UW Libraries and SEIU 925. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

Tentative Agreements

The parties tentatively agreed to language also found in the current SEIU 925 CBA in the following articles:

  • Article – Employee Assistance Program
  • Article – Personal Services

Union Initial Proposals

Hours of Work – The Union’s initial proposal is based off the main SEIU 925 IHME CBA, with some updates. The proposal included redefining a full time 100% FTE employee from forty (40) hours per week to thirty (30) hours a week. The Union proposed that this would be prorated for those working less than 100%. The Union proposed that overtime-exempt employees would consult with their supervisors to adjust work hours to accommodate the appropriate balance between extended work time and offsetting (flexing) time.   The Union proposed that the Employer would provide a minimum of thirty (30) calendar days’ notice in the event of an Employer-directed permanent change in the employee’s shift assignment or work schedule.  For temporary (less than one (1) week) changes in work assignment occurring within the employee’s assigned work week, the Employer would provide four (4) calendar days’ notice.

Overtime – The Union’s initial proposal is based off the main SEIU 925 IHME CBA, with some updates. The proposal included language that if an overtime eligible employee exceeds thirty (30) hours for full time, they would receive overtime.

Employer Counter Proposals

Affirmative Action – In response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer made changes that reflect the current process and laws associated with affirmative action.

Preamble and Purpose – In response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer proposed to clarify the groups of the library system to include UW Libraries, UW Press and the Gallagher Law Library.  The Employer proposed language that clarifies the CBA supersedes the Librarian Personnel Code, Professional Staff Program, and the Appointment and Promotion of Librarians for the Gallagher Law Library.

Union Activities, Rights and Stewards – In response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer proposed language that management be notified should representatives plan to be onsite. The Employer proposed additional language to include specifying the types of leave that could be used for union business and activities for clarity for a first contract.

Workplace Behavior – In response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer proposed language linking to the UW Workplace Violence policy instead of including specific definitions.   The Employer also proposed housekeeping edits to reflect the uniqueness of a CBA covering both staff and academic personnel.

Next Steps

The next UW Libraries and SEIU 925 bargaining session is scheduled for January 12 and will be held virtually.